Saturday, October 6, 2007

Songs for a Rainy Day EP

Since its been a bleak rainy lazy Saturday, I finally had the inspiration to complete my new mix tape. I began this 2 months ago, in the midst of all the rainy weather and gloomy emotions. Think of it as probably a follow up to Songs for a Sunny Day, when clouds flood the sky and kill the sunlight.

Status : Unreleased

Songs for a Rainy Day
  1. Let The Love Back In by The Orange Lights
  2. Surprise Ice by Kings of Convenience
  3. All Will Be Forgotten by Holly Brook
  4. Today Will Be Better, I Swear! by Stars
  5. Let There Be Morning by The Perishers
  6. Cartwheels by the Reindeer Section

Its finally done :)

No album art though :S